The analysis and all reports and graphs were prepared using a combination of four of our products, planEASe, the Reporting Extension, the Graphics Extension, and the Monthly Extension.

· Project Cost Summary
· Summarizes the development cost of the project.

· Project Bill of Materials
· Shows the bill of materials for the development.

· Project Cost Schedule
· Shows the project cost schedule for the development.

· Construction ProForma Income Statement
· Shows the monthly cash flows during the development phase. The Construction Draw loan here has been specified to accrue (rather than pay) interest before being taken out by the Permanent Loan, which is specified to be 100% of the Draw Loan Balance. Since the Draw interest is accrued, the amount of the Permanent Loan includes the accrued interest. The Draw Interest is "Construction Period Interest" under the tax law, and must be amortized over the depreciable life of the assets constructed. PlanEASe handles this by allocating the interest to each of the assets causing the draws, and depreciating the total.

· ProForma Income Statement
· These reports can be prepared either before or after tax. They combine the Basic and Detail Analysis report information into a very readable format familiar to real estate professionals and accountants. Further, the reports offer information not shown in the Basic and Detail Analysis Reports, such as Ratio Analysis, projected Sale Proceeds by year, and Return and NPV measures by year.

· Sale Report
· Presents the determination of the projected sale price, together with the cash proceeds (and Capital Gain calculations) at sale. The report can be prepared either before or after tax.

· Assumption Report
· Shows (in English) the assumptions used to generate the other reports. It was created with the idea of generating an assumptions report which can be presented to an investor or other concerned party to explain the assumptive basis of the other planEASe reports.

· Sensitivity Analysis
· As you perform an analysis, planEASe measures the worth of the investment in terms of rates of return and net present values. Sensitivity Analysis allows you to investigate how these measures vary with a change in one of the assumptions. Any measure may be chosen for the Sensitivity Analysis, and any assumption may be chosen as well. Sensitivity Analysis provides a one page table and graph which describes the relationship between the assumption value and the resulting measure.

· Risk Analysis
· As you perform an analysis, planEASe measures the worth of the investment in terms of rates of return and net present values. Risk Analysis allows you to investigate how these measures vary with a change in one or more of the assumptions. Any measure may be chosen for the Risk Analysis, and any group of assumptions may be chosen as well. Risk Analysis provides a one page table and graph which describes the relationship between the risky assumption values and the variability (or risk) of the resulting measure.

This is a relatively complete planEASe report package for the Build to Suit Industrial Building. It is “relatively” complete because the reporting you need and want for a property will vary depending on the characteristics of the property (and the person for whom the reports are prepared). Since planEASe can produce more than 100 different reports and more than 200 graphs, it is obvious that many available reports and graphs are not shown in this sample report package. Please check with us for your particular concerns.

Typically, the first reports show the costs of the development process. New in planEASe version 10 is the relationship between the construction draws and the development spending. Now if you modify the development spending items, the construction draws as well as the permanent loan are all updated automatically, if you so choose. As a result, input and changes require much less effort than in previous versions. The Project Cost Summary, Project Bill of Materials, Monthly ProForma Income Statement, and Annual ProForma Statement (for the year(s) of construction) are some of the reports that show the development process.

After those reports, the Income Statements (printed in landscape format) show the financial projection of property operations for the next ten years in dollars. There are also Income Statements showing percent of gross income, and dollars per square foot (or units), but they are not included here. The dollar report includes a second page showing projected sale proceeds, ratio analysis, rates of return (either IRR or FMRR) and Net Present Values. The flexibility is not obvious from the reports themselves. For instance, after tax results are (optionally) deleted with one keystroke, eliminating not only the Taxable Income and Taxes section, but also all after tax ratios in the Ratio Analysis section as well as the after tax IRR and NPV after tax. Appraisers can eliminate the Price of Property and the IRR's (or FMRR's) to show only the NPV of future cash flows at whatever discount rate they desire. Brokers can eliminate the NPV's to show only the IRR's or FMRR's. These are but a few of the options available in printing the planEASe income statements. All together, your options allow printing these statements in more than 2,000 variations in response to your specifications.

Following this, Sensitivity Analyses show how the After Tax IRR varies with the costs of development, and loan amounts. Sensitivity Analysis can be used to show the variability of any assumption versus any rate or return (or present value). We could have included twenty different (and interesting) Sensitivity Analyses. Understand the depth here … when you vary a Development Cost in Sensitivity, the corresponding Draw in the Construction Draw Loan is changed accordingly, affecting the Construction Period Interest, Basis, and correspondingly, the amount of the Permanent Loan (since it is specified to be 100% of the Total Draw Loan Balance), Debt Service, Interest, et cetera. Only after all these changes have been made is the IRR or NPV requested produced.

After the Sensitivity Analyses, the Risk Analysis shows how you may combine uncertainty for several assumption values into a risk analysis (with graph) showing both the range and the probability of obtaining a particular rate of return (or present value).

The extensive Assumptions Report, shows the assumptions on which all of the foregoing reports are based. We hope you notice how readable this is. Readability is enhanced by the ability to attach Page Notes to any assumption page. Again, the flexibility and capability are not clear. Loans for which the amounts are zero are not shown. Same for Revenues and Expenses. Many useful assumptions are not shown (because they are not used). For instance, there is a Revenue Cap (and Expense Cap) which allows you limit the growth rate and/or dollar amount of any revenue or expense. This is just one example --- just because you don't see it, don't believe it doesn't exist ... call us first!!

Many reports shown (the Annual Statements, Property Sale Report, Income Statements, Sale Report, and the Assumptions Report) are products of our optional Reporting Extension and Monthly Extension (where shown monthly). This and the Graphics Extension are additions to planEASe we recommend for those using the software to present their analysis results to clients, funding sources and/or other outside parties.